RubyMine also provides useful tools to help with web development. For example, you can rename a variable and RubyMine will replace the correct instances of that variable with the new name. Refactoring - RubyMine provides tools to help your refactor your code.(Possible issues are marked with grey squiggly lines.)
#Rubymine rails code
If RubyMine is pretty sure that your code is incorrect, it marks it with a red squiggly line.

You can also click ⌘-B on a method call to jump to the method implementation. For example, you can jump from the view to the controller and from the controller to the views by clicking on arrows on the side: Navigation - It's easy to jump from one piece of code to a related one within your app.RubyMine provides many helpful features when coding: I’ll write up another article on creating a self signed certificate using OpenSSL later.Watch this video to see some important RubyMine features, or read through the content below. On my Mac, I’ve only been able to navigate to my using Firefox d. In my situation, I’m using a self signed certificate. Now, in RubyMine, go to RunDebug Debug SSL, and your debugger should launch. Thin is going to listen on port 3000, and we’re going to run SSL through port 3000 using our SSL keys and cert.ĥ. Now, what is this? In the Procfile, we’re going to start the Thin web server with the appropriate RVM version. Web: bundle exec thin start –debug -p 3000 –ssl –ssl-verify –ssl-key-file /Users/path_to_key/selfsigned.key –ssl-cert-file /Users/path_to_key/selfsigned.crt

In the Procfile, you will want to put in the following: Navigate to the root of your Ruby project and create a textfile entitled ‘Procfile’. Now our configuration is done, but we need to create a Procfile for Foreman to know what to launch when we chose to debug the Debug SSL configuration.
#Rubymine rails install
After you install Foreman, you’ll need to figure out your Foreman path. The easiest way to add Foreman is to add the Foreman gem to your Gemfile, and run bundle install.Ģ. Foreman is a nice little gem that enables you to launch multiple processes through the use of a Procfile. Instead, I had to take the following stepsġ. Unfortunately, I’ve not been able to find a way to debug by using the standard debug rails configuration. you’ve got a Facebook App, you will find the following useful.

If you’re required to debug Ruby on Rails in RubyMine Foreman through SSL, e.g.