There is a huge advantage to this in that beginners do not need to learn how to code an HTML page or remember any tags. The editor would then take that and create the HTML code for you.

With WYSIWYG you can drag and drop, insert images and create numbered or bullet lists using an editor just like in Word. WYSIWYG stands for What You See Is What You Get and it allows you to build you web page in a similar way to how you might use Microsoft Word. There is also a debate over whether it is better for beginners to use a WYSIWYG editor instead of code. It's a very fast way to publish your website without constantly having to upload via FTP. If you already have commercial hosting set up, you can connect your HTML editor to your host using an FTP connection so that whenever you save your file, it is instantly updated on the web. Finding them before making your site live on the web is a much quicker and efficient way to make a website. Many free HTML editors have the ability to check your code for any errors that might have been made by mistake, allowing you to fix them. Typing just the less than symbol (<) will give you a dropdown list of all the elements so you can easily scan and find what you're looking for. For example, you might want to make something bold by using the tag but can't remember it. Sometimes, especially when learning HTML you might forget the name of a tag you need to use. This makes it much easier to see any mistakes in the code when compared to black and white in a text editor that make it difficult to find errors. With an HTML editor you are able to tell the editor which language of code you're writing in (HTML, PHP, Ruby, Javascript etc) and it will highlight the code for you. However, HTML editors have a few features that make a much better choice for writing HTML (and other code like PHP or Javascript): There's no denying that you can make a website using just a text editor like Notepad and it will be just as functional as a site built using a HTML editor.