dick says howdy to all the guests as they enter. Conner(stupid ass spelling) is all he cant be more than 10, and arty is like no he is 13, and they marvel at how teeny tiny he is. M’gsdan aijkvlnaedfibjklcmz is all arich! and KERNER is all wtf? he’s a kid. OH AND THAT dick IS A SUPER GEEKY WEAK ASS NERD WHO IS BULLIED BUT SHE FEELS BAD FOR HIM. FUCK YOU.) she tells rob that dick is cuter and smarter than he is.ĮNoUGH SpAECE FEr yOu ( eys… wow yes) how many sites are we posting this to? All of them? ill fanfic you da, and we will copost on ao3? oh underherbreath ( apparently spacebars dont happpen for chinese ppl. that’s not nice.arty would totally make a comment about all the times he comes up to her at school and tries to talk to her, saying really odd things. SAME BRAH how cute and oddly attractive bby dick (always) is IN HIS WITTLE BBY TUX. LIES YOU ARE NOT HARUKA FUCKING NANASE that is true.i am just a mere ananas. you’re too late.the dolphin already stole it. Ok they changed, we get a look in what each of them think, they get to the place in gotham where it is being held, and who do they see but moneybags daddybats and adorable bby dick.Īrty and M’ggan comment to wally( and dick over the comm) I SEE YOU THERE MUMMY, IM COMIN AFTER YOU, AND IM GONNA STEAL YOUR PENIS.

Better then a he died situation.or worse.expelled) So when yj shows up with their mentors Batman briefs them on the “mission” m’ggan is excited because this is totally gonna be like that dance episode of “hello,megan”, right? conner is like fuck penguin suits,Arty is all I’M GOING TO SEX THE cretly, Wally is so ready to die laughing and eat all that yummy alfred fooder? FOODERĪfter the debrief, they hand out the comms and shit, then “Split up” (bby and daddybat go change hella fast) they get changed, m’ggan and arty all like bro bruce wayne is a fucking hottie, and loaded af. bbyDick just convinced Daddybat to throw this party so he can have some fun.daddybats doesn't know anything that dick has planned ( when he gets kidnapped, he is concerned until he hears on the comm robin being an ass.) Batman and robin are scoping the party from the outside is the excuse they use so that as the excuse why rob cant go. Except.little did yj know that this was all a set up. so he calls ion yj to go undercover to help.

and he gets a tip as the bm that someones gonna try to steal something ALFRED THEY GONNA STEAL THAT MOFO. The gala is for daddybat’s brithday lol.go big or go home is his BW persona so he has to throw himself a huge one. Stats: Published: Completed: Words: 6525 Chapters: 3/3 Comments: 19 Kudos: 194 Bookmarks: 41 Hits: 5068ĭaddybat and bbyDick are having a big nice gala.