One of them I've been using for example is this: Since the script isn't a server browser and just a launcher, you of course have to know the server address and its query port beforehand, but there are a couple of websites out there which list DayZ servers and their IPs. The launcher has been working fine for me so far and I'm able to connect to various popular community servers.
Dayz launcher install mod#
The URL for subscribing a workshop mod is printed to the output, so it's really just two clicks per mod (or more if there are mod dependencies).
Dayz launcher install mods#
This means that mods have to be subscribed via the web browser for now, but since this is just a one-time setup and a minor annoyance, I don't care too much about this. This could maybe be done via Valve's steamcmd utility, but it requires additional steam login data via the CLI, which is annoying. Since this is a simple BASH script, one limitation is that mods can't be subscribed automatically, as Steam doesn't provide such a feature via its command line interface. If it doesn't, just try again after waiting a bit. Server configurations are read from a third party JSON API which unfortunately isn't 100% responsive/reliable, but it should be working fine in most cases. This script lets you set up mods by providing a list of mod-IDs or by reading the configuration of the provided server address+port (and an optional server query port), and it lets you launch the game with the resolved mod launch parameter. See my GitHub repo here in case you're interested:

That's why I've built a simple launcher script for DayZ on Linux which does this tedious mod setup automatically.

This means that users on Linux are currently limited to playing on vanilla servers or they have to manually set up mods and specify the launch options, which is incredibly tedious, especially when playing on multiple servers or when trying out new servers. What unfortunately currently doesn't work is the game's own launcher, which sets up mods when trying to connect to specific community servers. As you might have read earlier this week, BattlEye support has officially been announced for DayZ via Proton and the game can now be played on Linux ( after applying certain kernel parameters to fix stability issues).