Visit /community for more information on how to prepare for flooding.

The amount of the City's floodplain designated as parks and open space.Our comprehensive approach to stormwater management.

Our commitment to restore the natural functions of floodplains.This discount is possible because Portland has earned a Class 5 rating in the CRS program, which puts us in the top 15 percent of participating communities. That’s because the City participates in the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Community Rating System (CRS). This federal program rewards communities that take steps to reduce the risk of flooding. Property owners in Portland’s 100-year floodplain automatically save 25% on flood insurance premiums. Get a 25 Percent Flood Insurance Discount When asking about flood coverage, check to see if you have sewer backup insurance. Flood insurance is available through most local insurance agents. Portland participates in the National Flood Insurance Program. Flooding outside the 100-year floodplain is less likely but can still occur. If you live or work in a 100-year floodplain, there is a 1% chance or greater of flooding in any given year. Most homeowners insurance does not cover flood damage to your house or belongings. Protect Your Property with Flood Insurance
#100 year flood download#
Most elevation certificates on file with the City are available for download from this Portland’s Elevation and Flood Hazard Map. If a FEMA elevation certificate is available.Flood insurance rating information such as Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) zone, panel number, suffix, panel date, index date and regulatory base flood elevation.If you are in this zone and have a mortgage through an FDIC-backed lender, you must purchase flood insurance. If a property is located within a 100-year floodplain or Special Flood Hazard (SFHA) Area.Visit City of Portland Development Services Center, 1st Floor, 1900 SW 4th Avenue.Scroll down to the "Hazard" section to see if your property is in or near a FEMA Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA).Click the "Public Safety" tab below your property description.Type in an address and click the "search" button.To find out if you live in or own property in or near a floodplain, you can: Do You Live or Own Property in a Floodplain?